Financial and payroll accounting

We manage your financial accounting and/or your payroll accounting.

Financial accounting involves bookkeeping for all kinds of companies in accordance with legal requirements as well as the submission of the advance return for sales tax to the responsible tax authorities.

Due to modern technology we are able to perform efficiently using tools such as "DATEV Unternehmen-online", which enables us to receive and process documents in a cost-optimised way.

In an initial non-binding consultation, we can provide you with advice regarding the possibilities of optimising your accounting processes. To digitalise and provide full access to documents and evaluations, we use "DATEV Unternehmen-online".

Payroll accounting includes monthly accounting of wages and salaries as well as the related reports to the social insurance agencies and the tax authority.

Using interfaces to time recording systems, we can read and process time recording data electronically and transfer it back to your systems electronically.

In addition to informative controlling evaluations, you also receive the calculation of provisions, i. e. for vacation or overtime as well as wage and salary calculations.

Our expert for your solution

Dirk Toffel

Diploma in business administration and tax consultant

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