E-commerce tax advice

We serve a variety of national and international companies in wholesale and retail which provide products and services via online shops.

For such businesses, thousands of posting records per month quickly emerge. Furthermore, the business model is very different to those of other companies.

Therefore, the field of e-commerce requires special knowledge in the area of tax advice.

In order to provide optimal results for our clients, we use additional modules as well as the customized DATEV software. The fully automatic conversion systems that we use are designed specifically to meet the accounting requirements of e-commerce.

Our employees and tax consultants are familiar with the functionality of our clients' pre-systems. Furthermore, the handling of merchandise management and shop systems as well as payment service providers are part of our expertise. Well-known companies in these fields are JTL, PIXI, and Shopware on the one hand and PayPal, Klarna or Heidelpay on the other. In addition, we offer extensive know-how to our clients regarding interface solutions in the field of e-commerce.

Moreover, we are at the current state with regard to online accounting. Here we rely on "DATEV-Unternehmen Online", a particularly powerful system.

Due to its special tax features, a close and reliable legal support in the field of e-commerce is crucial. For our clients we ensure this support.

In particular, we provide support in monitoring delivery thresholds, VAT registration and the submission of advance VAT returns in other EU countries.

Based on our experience and expertise, we are able to offer reliable advice regarding topics such as "Fulfillment by Amazon" (FBA) and "Amazon Pan-European FBA" in the international mail order business.

Our expert for your solution

Martin Batterewitz

Graduated in business administration, tax consultant

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